Dan Tisher aka Tish

TishDan Tisher is a network systems manager for a multinational Architecture and Design firm by day, paranormal investigator by night and co-founder of The Historic Paranormal Research Group. Inspired by the Socrates quote "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing", Dan decided to investigate into the paranormal with a heavy 'debunking' mindset.

He studied Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan and Criminal Justice at Michigan State University. Dan worked as a Police Cadet for a community outside of Detroit for 5 years and, during this time, he accumulated experience in crime scene investigation and preservation techniques. Dan uses his analytical and scientific experience in conjunction with his extensive investigative skills and methodologies to collect data at paranormal investigations. His focus is on making sure all data collected at an investigation is collected with proper technique and reporting protocols to ensure its reliability. Dan has had interest in the paranormal since childhood and, although he is generally a skeptic, his goal is to collect data that is not only proof positive of spiritual entities, but also evidence that may allow scientists to postulate as to the origin of paranormal activity. His sense of humor and diligent work ethic makes Dan someone who can be relied on to either catch something that otherwise might have been missed on an investigation or to pick up the next round at the pub.