Sturges Paranormal

On February 27, 2009 myself, Mike Gustavson, Richard Schoeller and Jeff Pica investigated The Merchant's House Museum along with Anthony and Dale who were, as usual, there representing the museum.

stoopWe arrived at approx. 6pm and stayed for about 4 hours. Psychic Richard Schoeller led us through the house to different areas he felt strongly about. We set up our recorders and EMF meters (both AC & DC ) and recorded EVP sessions. We used 3 different digital recorders and one digital flat line recorder. A digital flat line recorder (thanks for the name, Tish) is a digital recorder that has had it's microphone disabled. We record this way to try and test a popular theory that voices and noises that are picked up on recording media are actually "imprinted psychically," rather than picked up through the actual microphone. Either by an apparition or one of the investigators present. Both would be examples of PK. Now, I never get EVP on any of the recorders I'm using. EVER. I'm sort of like, EVP repellant. While I've recorded EVP before in different locations, I've never recorded EVP on a handheld recorder I was actually holding. So, on this investigation I asked Richard to hold my recorder during the sessions. We were able to pick up two different voices. One in the basement and one in what is referred to as, Mr Tredwell's room. What might be significant about these voices is that they were only recorded on 1 of the 4 recorders that were running at the same time, the recorder that Richard was holding. I will post these once I have met with the people The Merchant's House to show them what we captured.

Having investigated the museum since 2006 we are finally starting to get some positive results. Richard is always in tune with the house while we are there but we haven't been able to capture anything on our equipment until the beginning of 2008. The man-made (AC) EMF of the house is pretty low and we don't feel that hypersensitivity is the cause for what people are experiencing. There were also no fluctuations in either the man-made or natural (DC) EMF or the temperature while the voices were recorded.

Jeff, Richard, DaleRichard, Dale

Jeff, Richard and Dale in Mr Tredwell's Room and Richard and Dale with the front parlor behind them.