Sturges Paranormal


On Sunday, May 31st at 3pm, Sturges Paranormal is pleased to announce a lecture presented by Al Rauber.

On the morning of August 4th, 1892, the populace of Fall River, Massachusetts was shocked and horrified by a vicious and gruesome double homicide. The bodies of Andrew and Abby Borden were found in their home at 92 Second St. They had been bludgeoned to death with what appeared to be a hatchet.World renowned Paranormal Investigator Al Rauber was commissioned by two different production companies for two different TV shows to come up with evidence of reported haunting phenomena at 92 Second St.

Known for his use of Electronic Voice Phenomena in gathering evidence of hauntings, Rauber offers many of the voices collected over 2 separate weekends of filming from this location. Voices of the spirits of The Lizzie Borden House which may shed new light on the infamous case of murder. Hear the detailed story about the two investigations presented in a new lecture entitled: The Lizzie Tapes-A Paranormal Case Study.
Contact Al Rauber at:


Sunday, May 31st at 3pm

Polaris North Theatre

245 West 29th Street, 4th Floor

New York City

(bet 7 & 8th Ave)

$15 in advance/$20 at the door

646-373-6868 for more info

you can sign up and pay for each lecture on our site at:

Paranormal Lectures in New York City


Upcoming Lectures:

July 26th at 3pm with Dom Villella of Paranormal Investigation of NYC